Wednesday, October 26, 2005


I got tagged by Nicky!

The rules are:
1. Go into your archives
2. Find your 23rd post
3. Find the fifth sentence (or the closest one to it)
4. Post the text of your sentence in your blog along with these rules
5. Tag five other people

Here's what I said!
"I ate the burger and am now feeling really down.. totally rediculous I know!! It's only food!! I feel so stupid"

haha!! so funny!!

I tag: Luds, Suz, Brooke, Louchie and Phillipa... sorry guys!


At Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:04:00 pm, Blogger philippa_moore said...

I've only done 20 posts girl! What should I do?!

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. I'll be a runner soon - good to know I'm not the only one who feels like I'm going to vomit up my lungs!!!!

Have a great day darl xo

At Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:17:00 pm, Blogger ludsi loo said...

omg when was that pic taken ash!??????


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